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Keep this in mind!

  • The default prefix of Acoustic is ~. If you forget the prefix, mention Acoustic (@Acoustic).
  • Never include <> in your messages when using a command!
  • Time can be in different formats
    • Example: 100, 2m30s


247Stays in the voice channel even if no one is in it.24/7
addAdd a song to the playlistadd <playlist name> <song>
backPlays the previous song in the queue.back
bassboostBassboost the songbassboost [value]
createCreate a playlistcreate <playlist name> <search query/link>
dcDisconnects the bot from the voice channel.dc
deleteDelete a playlistdelete <playlist name>
fast-forwardFast forwards the player by your specified <time>
joinMakes the bot join your voice channel.join
loadLoad a playlistload <playlist name>
loopLoops the song or queue.loop [queue / song]
lyricsGet lyrics on a song.lyrics [song]
moveMoves the specified song to the specified position.move <position> <new position>
nightcoreToggles nightcore mode.nightcore
npShows the current song
pausePauses the music.pause
pitchSets the player's pitch. If you input "reset", it will set the pitch back to default.pitch
playPlay a <link / song name>
playlist-removeRemove a song from the playlistplaylist-remove <playlist name> <position> [position]
previousDisplays the previous tracks that have been played.previous [pageNumber]
queueDisplays the queue.queue [pageNumber]
removeRemoves a song from the queueremove <position> [position]
resumeResumes the music.resume
rewindRewinds the player by your specified amount.rewind <time>
searchSearches for a <link / song name>
seekSets the playing track's position to the specified <time>
shuffleShuffles the playlist.shuffle
skipSkips the current song.skip
speedSets the player's playback speed.speed <Number>
vaporwaveToggles vaporwave mode.vaporwave
viewView a playlistview <playlist name>
volumeChanges the volume of the songvolume <Number>


BalanceReturns the user's balancebal
BaseBuy/View bases which you can use to earn money frombase
BegGives you a small amount of money from a random user in the serverbeg
BlackjackPlay blackjack against the bot for a certain amount of moneyblackjack \<bet>
CameraTakes a picture using the camera and sells the image for
CoinflipChoose heads or tails with a bet.coinflip \<heads/tails> \<bet>
DailyGet your daily (every 12 hour) rewards.daily
DepositDeposits a certain amount of money into your vault.dep \<amount>
FishTry your luck and fish in an open lakefish
HuntTry your luck and hunt in an open field.bal
GambleGamble in a basic dice game against Acousticgamble \<amount>
LeaderboardShows the leaderboard of the richest playerslb
MineMines some of that fresh crypto (maybe Dogecoin???)mine
PostmemePosts a random meme and gives you money based on its
SearchSearches under an item of your choice and gives you a random amount of
UpgradeBuy/view upgrades you can do on your baseupgrade \<buy/view> \<upgrade id>
WikiHowGuess the title of a WikiHow article based on the image. If you guess right, then you get money.wikihow
WithdrawWithdraws money from your vault.withdraw
WorkGet a job and start working to earn \<get> \<id> Then use ~work


helpSends information about all the commands that I can [command]
inviteSend an invite link so people can add me to their server.invite
privacySends a link to the privacy policy.privacy
uptimeSends a timestamp of how long the bot has been onlineuptime
pingDisplays the latency of Acoustc at the current


pollCreate a poll for users to answer.poll <Question>
avatarRetrieves the avatar of the desired user.avatar @Person