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Profile Info

Do you want to know more about your(and others') profile? This tutorial is for you!

All Profile Info

Run the ~profile command to figure out all you need to know about your profile. If you wish to view another person's profile, run ~profile, and ping the user you wish to view info about.

~profile @User


Run the ~balance command to check your balance. You can also view another user's wallet, by pinging the user in the ~balance command.

~balance @User


The Bio is a sort of description of yourself on your profile (it can really be anything you want). You can set your bio using SetBio. When people view your profile, they will see the bio you set up!

~setbio Bio

Secret Balance

People cannot view your vault balance. All they will see are the number of digits that are in the vault, signified by dollar signs. If someone has 5 million, for example, their profile will show: "$$$$$$$". This is their secret balance.

That is all that there is to know about your profile!